While you wait for WikiTree permissions perhaps you could start with earlier generations and add further details to their records, tidy up the formatting on their entries etc.

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Thanks Jill. I think I might be on the right path now and will do as you say. I feel a bit strange about adding info to another profile yet, but I suppose I will get used to it.

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I would like to also offer my help. I initially had a similar situation with my 2nd Great Grandmother. What is the privacy level of the profiles you are trying to access? Sometimes a person "owns" the profile, but it is completely open, meaning you can edit it any way you need to. That is the case with most profiles on WikiTree.

As for your mother, living people don't show to anyone else except their profile owner and their trusted list. Personally, I have stopped adding living people because it is unlikely that those profiles will ever be seen. If they are interested in genealogy and will come and participate - great - adding them helps the collaboration, but otherwise their profiles really don't help.

The procedure for the unresponsive manager worked for me, as I was given the profile eventually - it is a process, and everyone is a volunteer so patience is important. For now, while you wait, like also suggested go further into the past and start to develop the rest of your tree.

Please reach out directly if I can help in any way.

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Thanks for helping me Saphyre. I looks like I can edit anyone in his profile. He has very basic info & no sources which I’d like to add. But it seems I need to be on his trusted list before I can connect any family members to me. My mother isn’t interested but I can’t go any further without adding her. There are no family in her line that have been added. I’m wondering if I can just add her as ‘no name’ somehow?

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The advice from https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Living_People is

To know if a family member wants to be included, invite them. If your family member accepts the invitation, they will control what is on their profile and who it is shared with. If they decline or do not respond, the profile will be converted to an anonymous placeholder to inform other family members not to add information about them in the future.

Please do not create a profile for a living person without inviting them.

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No I wouldn't do that Anne. I think I will add her as anonymous so I can move on. Thanks for the tip.

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Do please persist with Wikitree and give me a hoy if you want help.

Wikitree is collaborative! With your grandmother's profile - there is a procedure for unresponsive profile managers at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Unresponsive_Profile_Managers

First, try all forms of contact

Please do all of the following for the profile in question:

Send a polite Trusted List request explaining your interest.

Send the manager a Private Message.

Post a friendly comment on the manager's profile.

Second, wait a week and then check their contributions Link/URL

If you have not heard back on any of the above for seven days, check their Contributions list to see how recently they have been active.

If you do not hear back in a week then Click the "PROBLEMS/QUESTIONS" button on the profile you want to edit. It appears above the biography section, next to the Profile Manager's name.

Then scroll down and click the Unresponsive Profile Manager Request Form link.

Good luck with it

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Thanks for this information Anne. I’ll go through it tonight but it seems to be what I need to solve my problems. Thanks for taking the time

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